Monday Morning Atheist - (case of 68 books)

Retail Price: $1087.32 (51% off) Don’t trip over the word atheist! You see, an atheist is someone who does not believe in God. But, a Monday Morning Atheist is someone who believes in God but works like He does not exist! We can all relate to that.

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Product Description

Monday Morning Atheist ... the book

You pay just $532.99 (51% off the retail price of $1,087.32)

Millions of Christians look great on Sunday but switch God OFF by Monday morning — a distinct switch to practical atheism! We all know the feeling of this struggle. This challenge is at epidemic levels for the body of Christ. We define a Monday Morning Atheist as someone who believes in God but works like He does not exist! Good news! We have found a solution — it shows up in research, life stories, and in the Bible. You will find it in this book. You will learn to fight the three underlying lies which cause you to switch God OFF on the job. Using this creative resource, and with God’s help, you can fix these beliefs and behaviors. Let’s get started now!

How Can this Be Used?

This creative resource can be used for personal study, a co-worker team study, a 5 week small group experience, an awakening tool for your entire group, or a church-wide teaching campaign. Pick a path and go for it!


What You Get:

  1. 140 pages exploring Monday Morning Atheism and its roots
  2. Practical actions and methods to help you Switch God ON each Monday
  3. Free Access to the Monday Switch Quiz identifying your top work challenges
  4. 5 core sections complete with Reflection Questions and Practical To Do’s
  5. The true story of Doug Spada, founder of WorkLife...woven into the story line of the book


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Why Monday Morning Atheist…the book?

This is an interesting, provocative book that’s easy to read but packs a punch. Use it to wake-up your entire group, ministry or church. Very practical and impactful. It deals with an epidemic in the body of Christ that is hurting each one of us at some level.

  • Try it at work with a friend or co-workers.
  • Use it with your church or ministry small group.
  • Read it on your own and complete the reflection and practical To Do’s.
  • Infuse the dynamic work prayers into your daily life at work.
  • Take the Monday Switch Quiz to find your 3 top work issues & how to address them.
  • Share it with a pastor, church leader and with your friends.
  • You will use it as the initial starter read for The Monday Switch Encounter.


What Does it Look Like When People Switch God ON at Work?

What Are the Benefits of Monday Morning Atheist…the book?

  • Monday Morning Atheist will reinforce Biblical truth no matter if you are Switching God OFF at work or not.
  • It reveals how you can receive more from God at work — joy, peace and purpose.
  • You will see that your actual work itself — whatever it is you do — is a form of worship to God.
  • You will learn to recognize common lies most believe about work and how to counter them with truth.


What About the Author?
Check out Doug Spada's web page

Phyllis“It is such a relief to no longer carry the load of work by myself anymore. I am actually sleeping better and my co-workers have even noticed my happier attitude lately. I am also getting more done at work and feeling much less pressure.” Phyllis

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What People are Saying about Monday Morning Atheist?

Punchy, provocative and pro-active. It exposes our workplace warts and returns us to our divine calling at work. Brilliantly done! Philip Lyn, MD, Senior Pastor, Skyline SIB Church

“Easy to read, biblical, and practical, Monday Morning Atheist sheds light on a huge issue and offers help to millions of people searching for more passion, purpose and joy at work.” Chris Duncan, CEO, Convene CEO Forums

Imaginative, soul-stirring and creative, that’s Doug Spada’s formula for communicating, both in writing (Monday Morning Atheist) and in speaking to an audience. The people you lead… they will depart on mission to be more alive and aware that God can and does use the workplace to change lives for His kingdom! Wayne Odom, EVP InTouch Ministries, Inc. & Founder of Sure Connexions, Inc.

The Monday Morning Atheist is one of the deepest concerns a pastor has about his congregation – good people who attend church but when they go to the office or school or the neighborhood, God is completely left out. The result is a Monday Morning Atheist. This book is both convicting and helpful for Christians who seek to be completely devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Bryant Wright, President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Senior Pastor of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church

Monday Morning Atheist helped not only shape my opinion of why I should be active with my faith in the marketplace, but it's pragmatic as well; sharing simple tips and stories on how to practically engage peers, clients and co-workers. Matt Stevens, Executive

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